Caramujo 2


Casa do Caramujo

The camping area of “Casa do Caramujo” is located in Paúl da Serra, distancing about 2.2 km from Bica da Cana. This is one of the most isolated camping areas in Madeira immersed in the indigenous forest. “Casa do Caramujo” is an abandoned house in the mountains. In the past, it was probably a vacations house used by a few wealthy families. Near the “Casa do Caramujo” you can still find a winter pond. To reach the camp area, you can take the route recommended PR. 17 – Caminho do Pináculo e Folhadal, or use ground hit dirt road that connects the Paul da Serra the area of Sour cherries in St. Vincent.

Estacionamento CaminhadasÁrea montanhosaÁrea de Geocaching Fauna endémicaWind Turbine! Parque eólicoFlorestaFlora endémicahiking

This one is also one of the few camping areas where there is no fireplace. The only way of cooking will be even using the gas stove. There is no running water, but there are several waterfalls nearby, where you can stock up on water. Be sure to take all the rubbish that was produced. Do not leave anything behind, except your footprints and memories.

Caminhadas PR.17 – Caminho do Pináculo e Folhadal.


Licence Request

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Points of Interest

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